Night Guard (Bruxism)
Bruxism is the general name given to the condition in which individuals are clenching or grinding their teeth. Individuals often clench or grind their teeth unconsciously during sleep at night, so they are often unaware of these habits. While night grinding is generally noticed by the relatives of individuals, the diagnosis of night clenching is made by dentists. Symptoms such as tooth wear due to clenching and grinding, enamel fractures and cracks, fractures in porcelain prostheses, changes in the tissue of the cheek and tongue, tooth sensitivity, earache, head and neck pain are seen frequently. The cause of bruxism is not known exactly. Stress, anxiety, age, genetic factors, various sleep disorders can cause this. Mild bruxism may not require treatment, but severe bruxism requires preventive treatment to protect the teeth and temporomandibular joint. Among the most frequently applied treatments are the use of night guards, botox applied to chewing muscles, and muscle relaxants taken before sleep.